Parish Shop
The Parish Shop provides cards, books and religious goods during Parish Office opening hours.
Eucharistic Ministers
Assist the Priests of the Parish in the distribution of Holy Communion at all Masses and in the visitation of the sick, elderly and housebound.
Cemetery Mass
The annual celebration of the Cemetery Mass in St. Fintan's Cemetery takes place 2nd Sunday in June and is hosted by St. Fintan’s Parish.
Readers of the Word
Parishioners are encouraged to participate in the liturgy by becoming minister of the word and new readers are always welcome.
Adult Choir
Adult choir sings at 12.30 p.m. Mass each Sunday under the direction of Cathal Clinch. They rehearse on Sunday morning before the 12.30 p.m. Mass
Conductor: Cathal Clinch
Family Mass
Musican: Louisa Kinirons
Church Cleaning
Volunteers meet each Monday morning after 10.00 a.m. Mass for church cleaning.
Co-ordinated by Brid Lambe.
Church Collectors
Volunteer collectors assist at Sunday masses and holy days with the distribution of baskets and collection of money.
Co-ordinated by Jim Lillis.
Flower Arrangement
Volunteer position vacant.
Property and Finance Committee
Meets once a month to discuss parish finances – monitors income and budget for plant maintenance and enhancement.
Family Mass Committee
Meets throughout the year to plan events and liturgies for the children of the parish.
Legion of Mary
Meet every Monday after the 10.30am Mass. Praesidium director Sean McSweeney. The group was founded in the parish in 1935 and has continued weekly meeting since then. Weekly visitations particularly to the sick.
Liturgy Committee
The group works closely with the priests of the parish to pan the major liturgical ceremonies for the year.
Parish Newsletter
Bernie Cregan. Established as an aid to communication and to inform parishioners of forthcoming events in the parish community.
Stewards are organised as the need arises, especially for special events which take place in the Church. Co-ordinator: Sean O'Hanlon
St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP)
Caring for people in need in our Parish and surrounding area. SVDP has a confidential contact box at the back of the Church.
All Team Leaders may be contacted via the Parish Office on 01 8392001.
Altar Servers |
Fr. Paul Hampson |
Parish Shop |
Anne Boylan |
Cemetery Mass |
Sean O’Hanlon |
Children’s Choir |
Adult Choir |
Church Cleaning |
Brid Lambe |
Church Collectors |
Jim Lillis |
Eucharistic Ministers |
Family Mass Group |
Flower Arrangements |
Property and Finance Committee |
Paul McDonald |
Legion of Mary |
Sean McSweeney |
Liturgy |
Gemma O’Hanlon |
Parish Centre |
Anne-Marie Denham |
Parish Pastoral Council |
Parish Newsletter |
Parish Office |
Readers of the Word Coordinator |
Austin Naughton |
St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society |
Stewards |
Sean O’Hanlon |
St. Vincent de Paul |
Anne Tyndall |
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